With back-to-school commercials rocking your television set, you’re likely already thinking about which school supplies your child needs to be successful. While your list may include a new binder, some pens and pencils, a calculator, and perhaps a new backpack or lunchbox, a dentist in Washington hopes that you consider another important point to check off: their dental appointment. Children are at higher risk of developing dental disease overall, which is just one of the reasons why you’ll want to do everything you can to ensure their oral health is in order before the school year really kicks off.
Why Early Prevention Matters
When it comes to helping your child avoid dental disease, the best thing you can do is make sure that they have the tools needed to practice daily at-home care. The sooner you have them practicing daily care, the less likely they are to develop cavities and gum disease, two conditions that not only cause them discomfort, but make it extremely difficult for them to focus on their studies.
Furthermore, baby teeth are essential to ensuring long-term oral health and a healthy adult smile. If baby teeth fall out prematurely, it can actually cause permanent teeth to erupt before they are fully developed. For these reasons and more, dental appointments should absolutely be on your back-to-school checklist.
What to Expect During Their Appointment
The actual dental appointment is meant to be brief, but still give you a chance to ask the dentist any questions you may have about your child’s oral care. For example, while dentist will likely perform a detailed exam and remove any plaque and decay that’s present in your child’s mouth, you’ll also be able to discuss potential treatments that can help your child. Most dentists provide a fluoride treatment to keep your child’s tooth enamel strong, but they may also recommend dental sealants to add additional protection. If your child struggles with tooth decay because they are more susceptible to plaque buildup, preventive treatments like these can make all the difference, especially in an environment that could be potentially stressful.
Why Now is the Best Time to Visit
If your child is particularly busy during the school year, whether it’s during school or after school, the last thing you want to do is interrupt their schedule. It’s better to get their basic preventive treatments out of the way now, rather than pull them out of class and run the risk of having them fall behind.
When you visit a dentist before school starts, you’re getting a head-start compared to many other parents who may still be focused on buying school supplies.
Is your child’s smile back-to-school ready? Schedule an appointment with a dentist today to get started!
About Vaughan, Yokum and Roman Dental Health First
The dentists at the practice are dedicated to ensuring your child’s oral health is in top condition before they start their new school year. Their many preventive treatments are meant to help patients of all ages, especially your youngest family members. To learn more about their practice, you schedule an appointment or contact them through their website.